Cydia : Nouvelle mise à jour corrective 1.1.16
- Il y a 10 ans (Màj il y a 10 ans)
- 💬 48
Saurik, le développeur de Cydia, vient de mettre en ligne une nouvelles mise à jour corrective 1.1.16.
Cette mise à jour corrige de nombreux problèmes, notamment avec le multitâche, la redirection d'une pub sur l'App Store ou encore un problème sur iPad.
Voici le changelog complet de cette version 1.1.16 :
- iOS 8 "Restore from Backup" Fixed
- This update fixes an important bug in Cydia 1.1.14 and 1.1.15 on iOS 8: if you used "restore from backup" in iTunes after your first use of Cydia, you needed to reinstall this package to make sure your device could safely reboot with a passcode enabled.
- It should now be OK to use the iTunes "restore from backup" feature without needing to then reinstall Cydia Installer afterward to avoid reboot problems.
- Increase iOS 8 Multitask Timeout
- Cydia automatically refreshes the package catalog if it was suspended too long. This timeout is now set to 15 minutes. It had previously been only 15 seconds, because that's what I was using to test this feature, and I forgot to change it back. (Doh.)
- Improved App Store Redirect Block
- The initial version of this feature turned out to only be partially effective: we have done wider testing and have improved our iTunes URL detection.
- Login Dialog on iPad Works Now
- Apparently, logging in to an account on an iPad would not reload the login dialog, making it seem like you needed to log in again?! This is now fixed.
Il n'est pas encore possible d'acheter un tweak sur iOS 8, mais ça ne saurait tarder...