Liste des tweaks compatibles avec l'iOS 5
- Il y a 14 ans (Màj il y a 14 ans)
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Il y a quelques jours, le jailbreak tethered de l'iOS 5 est sorti et vous devez naturellement vous demander quels sont les tweaks compatibles ? Pour répondre à cette question, voici la liste de tous les tweaks compatibles (en vert) ou pas (en rouge et en gras) avec ce nouveau firmware.
La liste comporte 348 tweaks avec la version de ceux non compatibles et sont rangés par ordre alphabétique.
Sans plus attendre, voici la liste :
Ps : Sur l'application, les tweaks non compatibles seront en gras.
1 3G Unrestrictor
2 5-Row Keyboard iOS4 1.4.1-1
3 60 Second Lock Screen
4 Action Menu
5 Action Menu Plus Pack
6 ActionBoard
7 Activator
8 AdBlocker
9 afc2add
10 Airplane SBSettings
11 Airserver
12 Alarming
13 AlertArtist 1.1
14 AllMail
15 AlphaCon 0.0.2-1
16 AndroidLock XT
17 Animate 1.0.1-1
18 AntiSpamSMS 1.30
19 Any Attach
20 AnyRing 5.27
21 APN Editing
22 App Switcher Brightness
23 App Switcher Ringer 1.1
24 App Switcher Rotator
25 AppBackup
26 AppCake
27 AppLinks
28 AppList
29 AppSlide 1.0.1
30 AppSync for 5.0
31 Apptivator 1.0.4-1
32 APT 0.7 HTTPS
33 AskToCall
34 AskToSend 1.2-3
35 aTimeTool
36 AttachmentSaver
37 Auto3G
38 Autolock SBSettings
39 Auto ShutDown
40 Back to Top Contact 1.0.4
41 Backgrounder 1.0.4-1
42 Backlight Dimmer SBS Toggle
43 BadgeClear 1.0
44 Barrel 1.5.8-1
45 Barrel 2
46 BatteryDetective
47 BigBoss Icon Set
48 Bigify+ 2.1
49 biteSMS Beta 6.0.11
50 Black Keyboard
51 Bluetooth Mono SBSettings Toggle
52 Bolt
53 BossPaper
54 Brightness Switcher
55 Browser Changer
56 BTstack GPS 1.5-25900
57 BTStack Keyboard 1.0-25570
58 BytaFont
59 Call Counter 3
60 Call Delete
61 Call InfoFields 1.1
62 CallBar
63 CallClear
64 CallerID Format Fix
65 CallLog
66 CallTell for 3GS and i4 3.1
67 CameraWallpaper
68 CardSwitcher
69 Celeste 1.1-1
70 CleanStatus 0.9.7-4
71 CleverPin
72 Click2Call 1.2
73 Clock Plugin for LockInfo
74 Cloudy Notification Center Theme ?
75 Color Mail Labels
76 ColorKeyboard
77 Copic 2.0
78 CoreUtilities
79 Crash Reporter
80 CustomGrid
81 Cydelete
82 Cydget 0.9.4003
83 Cydia
84 Cydialer 0.9.31-1
85 Cyntact 1.4.1-1
86 DashBoard for Maps
87 Data Counter
88 Delete Word 1.4
89 DietBar
90 Dimmer 1.2-1
91 Direct Closer Pro
92 Display Recorder 1.2.4
93 DisplayOut
94 Dock
95 Double At
96 Dreamboard
97 DreamView Notification Center Theme
98 Dynamic Table Strip 1.0
99 EasyFindOnPage
100 Enable Multitouch Gestures 1.0
101 EnhancedTabs 0.95
102 Erica Utilities beta17
103 EZDecline 1.1
104 f.lux
105 FaceBreak
106 FakeCarrier
107 FakeClockUp
108 FakeLocation
109 FakeMail
110 FakeOperator
111 Fast Copy 1.0
112 file:// for MobileSafari
113 Firewall iP
114 Five Icon Dock
115 Five Icon Folder 0.4
116 Five Icon Switcher
117 Five-Column Springboard
118 FivelRows 1.6u
119 FlashCam
120 FlashEnhancer 1.0-3
121 Flashlight
122 FolderCloser
123 FolderEnhancer 1.4.5-1
124 FoldersInFolders 0.93
125 FontSwap 2.0.6
126 FullDrop 1.9
127 FullScreen for Safari
128 GlovePod
129 Graviboard 1.06-2
130 Gridlock
131 GridTab for Safari 1.3-1
133 GuizmOVPN 1.1.1
134 HapticPro
135 HeadingLock for Maps
136 HomePage
137 Homescreen Settings 0.96
138 iAP Cracker 0.4-1
139 iBlacklist
140 iBlank 4.0-1
141 iCallAnnounce 1.41-1
142 Icon Renamer
143 Iconoclasm
144 iFaceApp
145 iFile
146 iGotYa
147 iLocalis
148 iLostmyI 1.2-1
149 Infiniboard 1.7.5-1
150 Infinidock
151 Infinifolders 1.3.4-1
152 Installous
153 Instant Mirror
154 IntelliDial 4.2.1
155 IntelliScreen 4.8.3
156 IntelliShared 4.10.1
157 IntelliStatusBarIcons
158 IP Blocker
159 iPhone Modem
160 iPhoneDelivery 0.5beta16
161 iPicMyContacts 1.80
162 iProtect
163 iRealSMS 3.0
164 iRetina 4+ SBSetting Theme
165 iRetiner GUI
166 iScheduler
167 iStrings 1.3
168 iSwipe
169 iTether w/ OnDemand
170 KBShortcuts
171 KeypadTransparency
172 KeyVibrate 1.0-3
173 KillBackground
174 KuaiDial v0.2.3b3-37
175 LinkSafe 1.0
176 LiveClock 0.5-11
177 Location Spoofer
178 Lock Calendar 2.0.3
179 Lockdown Pro 2.1.1
180 LockGestures 1.0.1
181 LockInfo
182 LockLauncher
183 LockMessages
184 LockScreen Clock Hide
185 Lockscreen Dim Delay Control
186 Locktopus 1.1
187 LSRotator 4.0
188 Mail Enhancer
189 Mail Rules
190 ManualCorrect
191 ManualCorrectPro
192 Maps Enhancer 1.2/1.3
193 Masks
194 Media Controller Brightness
195 MetaDataRemovr
196 MewSeek 2.6.2-1
197 MissedCallOpening
198 Mobile Substrate
199 MobileTerminal
200 MobileVolumeSound
201 MultiCleaner 2.9.2
202 MultiExchange 0.1
203 Multifl0w
204 MultiIconMover 1.0.4-1
205 multislide
206 Music Controls Pro 1.0.9-1
207 MxTube
208 My3G
209 MyVolume
210 MyWi 5.0
211 Navigate From Maps
212 Netatalk
213 NoAccessorySplash 0.1
214 No Background Gradiant
215 No Bookmarks
216 No Clock Status 1.1-1
217 No Labels for iOS 4
218 NoLock
219 NoLockscreen
220 NoSpot
221 Notifier+ 4.3
222 NoVoiceMail
223 NowListening
224 OpenNotifier 1.0-2
225 OpenNotifier Premium Pack
226 OpenSSH
227 OpenTabBackground 0.1-4
228 OverBoard
229 PasswordPilot
230 PdaNet 5.30
231 Phone GV Extension
232 Photector 1.1-2
233 PhotoAlbums+ for Iphone
234 PhotoProtect
235 PictureMe
236 PKGBackup
237 PlayAwake 1.2-6
238 Poof 5.0
239 Popup Blocker
240 PowerAlerter
241 PowerIcons
242 PowerSaver
243 PreventSleep
244 PrivaCy
245 Pull to Refresh for Mail
246 Pull to Refresh Safari
247 Push Doctor 1.01
248 PwnTunes
249 qTweeter 3.66
250 QuickDo
251 QuickLock
252 QuickOpen
253 QuickScroll 2
254 RandomFlip 0.1-1
255 RemindMeLater 1.2.3-11
256 Remove Background 1.0-1
257 Remove Recents 1.0-2
258 RestoreTab for Safari 1.1-1
259 Resupported4 1.6-4
260 RetinaPad
261 Ringer/Silent Toggle 0.1
262 RingToggle 1.0.0-4
263 roqyBT4
264 Rotation Inhibitor 1.0.3
265 Safari Download Manager 1.5.1-1
266 Safari Tab Closer 1.3
267 Safari UniBar
268 SAM
269 SAMPrefs
270 SBBrightness
271 SBRotator for iOS 4.x 1.72-42
272 SBSettings
273 SBSilentToggle 1.8
274 ScreenDimmer
275 ScreenRecorder 1.6
276 Scrobbl 0.9.6
277 ScrollingBoard
278 ScrollingBoard SBSettings Addon 1.3-1
279 Serious SBSettings HD
280 ShakeToUndo Killer
281 ShowCase 1.0.1-1
282 Shrink 0.9.8-3
283 Silent Vibrate SBSettings
284 SIManager
285 Six Icon Dock 1.2
286 SleepDepriver
287 SleepFX
288 SlideAway
289 SMS Cleaner for SBSettings
290 SMS Counter
291 SMS GV Extension
292 SMS+
293 SMS2Mail
294 SMSEnhancer
295 SnowCover4
297 SpringClean 0.98-2
298 SpringFlash + SBSettings Toggle
299 SpringJumps
300 Springtomize 1.5-5
301 StartDial 2.0
302 StatusNotifier 0.2.10
303 StatusTweak 1.0.2
304 StayOpened
305 StyleUnlock 1.2
306 SuperSlider
307 SwipeToMoveCursor
308 SwitcherMod 0.4-2
309 SwitcherPlus 2.3
310 syslogd
311 Tab+
312 TetherMe
313 TidySpring
314 TimerBar
315 Toggle SSH 2.1
316 ToneFxs 2 (Pro)
317 Transparent Statusbar for iOS4
318 TruPrint
319 TVOut2 Mirror TVOut 1.3.2
320 UDIDFaker
321 UISettings
322 ultrasn0w
323 UnlimTones
324 User Agent Faker 1.1
325 Veency
326 Vibrafications
327 VoiceActivator
328 VoiceKeys 1.0.2
329 Voicemail Forwarder
330 Volume Boost 1.0.0
331 Wallpaper JPEGifier
332 WeatherIcon
333 Webscrollian
334 WiCarrier 1.1.3
335 Wifi Analyzer 2.30
336 WiFI Booster
337 WiFi Passwords
338 WiFiSMS
339 Winterboard
340 xBackup 0.4-1
341 xGPS
342 Xpandr
343 YFiSelect4 1.0-1
344 yFy Network Finder Lite 1.0
345 YooKey Pro
346 YourTube 1.0.0-1
347 YoutubeToMp3 4.0.2
348 ZoomIsBack!